Somebody once said:
"It's not easy being green."
But we don't let that stand in our way. From where and how we conduct our daily operations and utilise our equipment, to the materials we choose to use and how we minimise and dispose of our waste, being green is always a priority.
We don't do this to tick the boxes of compliance, we do it because it matters.
Green Machines
Our investment in digital equipment means that every sheet we print is usable, therefore reducing wastage usually spent getting colour balances right. This in turn reduces our carbon footprint from start to finish – less paper ordered – less trees - less weight with freight - less goes in the bin – WIN WIN WIN WIN!
None of our digital machines use plates or nasty chemicals either (including embellishing). AND no drying time is required at any stage, allowing us to finish jobs straight off the printer and push them out the door.
Being fully digital means less wastage, less time, less energy!
Let’s start with our solar panels, all 122 of them to be precise! (And we got the good ones too.) They off-set the power usage of our digital equipment, power our automated blinds (which reduces our need for AC and even helps charge the boss' car!).
We upgraded the entire building to state of the art LED lighting, reducing power and best of all, they don’t blow (how many Geeks does it take to change a light bulb – NONE!)
We even have an office policy to switch off the lights on leaving the bathroom!
Paper Wars
We all like to use ‘recycled products’ and of course, we offer recycled stocks, however – the truth is, the carbon footprint required to reprocess waste and turn it into fully recycled paper which we can print on again, is far greater than the carbon footprint of sustainably farmed / produced stock - we have nothing against recycled stocks, it’s just how it is!
The beautiful thing about paper is that it is completely biodegradable, so in effect there is no end wastage or damage caused. Even our plastic stocks are recyclable (PCF). We use only sustainably certified stocks.
We have a range of stocks which are made from disposable coffee cups AND we even have a range which includes cotton!
Yes that’s a question not a statement, not only all plastics, soft plastics, food waste and glass from our day to day operations is recycled, but we have also teamed up with:
Shred-X who (confidentially mind you) collect, shred and recycle all our paper, Close the Loop who collect and recycle all our ink packaging / toner bottles (yuh we go through a lot)! Cleanaway who dispose of chemicals / waste ink in the most environmentally conscious manner possible, and Ground Up Coffee Recyclers who collect our soft plastics, compost and coffee waste.
Oh and any unused / surplus stock, we donate to local community groups.
What Rubbish?